Pet Care Industry Mailing List includes the organizations and contacts involved in Pet Products, Veterinary Care and Pet Owners. These Businesses facilitate the sale of Pets & Pet Supplies. Many pet stores now offer veterinary services at reduced cost to pet owners. The Pet Care Industry Businesses are excellent prospects for wholesale pet supplies, periodicals and much more. Pet Care Industry Email List is comprised of individuals who provide the pet care, grooming tips, pet activities, training techniques, etc. The Pet Care Email and Mailing Database consists of individuals who have indicated that they want to receive information concerning pet related offers. Purchasing a Pet Care Mailing List will ensure targeting the right group for marketing campaigns.

Accurate and updated demographic data elements are available to assist you in identifying and segmenting your desired audience of prospects. Our Pet Care Executives List is an excellent marketing database that supplies the updated and verified information for your email and telemarketing campaigns. You can pick the right step of the ladder and contact the right decision maker or the Executive Level titles within our Email and Mailing List

Reach Pet Care Industry Professionals within industries such as,

Pet Care Industry Mailing List is so responsive and potential enough to generate high profits. Information is ideal for direct mail, telemarketing, email, market research and much more. To boost your sales and maximize returns, contact us!

  • SIC/NAICS/Industry verticals/Segments
  • Organizational hierarchy/Decision making authority
  • Management level/Functional role
  • Revenue/No of Employees
  • Geo (Post code, Country, City, State)
  • Head/Branch Office
  • Income level/Turnover/Infrastructural and other parameters
Mailing List Fields

Contact Name, Job Title, Company Name, Address, City, State, ZIP, Country, Phone number, Fax Number, Website, Email Address etc.....

Source and Formats

Source: Publications, Membership, Yellow pages and public filings, Tradeshows, Surveys

Format: Mail, Phone, Email

Delivery Method: ASCII, MS Excel File, CSV File

Turnaround: 4-5 working days

Terms and Conditions
  • The sale will be subject to InfoGlobalData standard set of terms and conditions for data sales.
  • Due to frequency of data updates, the data count figures cannot be guaranteed.
  • Prices subject to change without notice.
  • All mailings to be undertaken by approved mail house unless otherwise agreed.
  • Suppression Fee up to 100K - $250/F; please inquire for larger files Open Rates available - N/C Personalization available - N/C A/B Split - N/C; $100 each add'l. split

Outbound Email Campaigns

We identify the right people in the market for your products, reach out to them through truly personalized emails.

Customer Success Stories

Need custom list based on your specifications with No Resale Guarantee?

Talk to our Data Specialist Mike Floyd +1 (206) 629 6016