
choose us?

  • For maintaining the accuracy of data, we update it regularly
  • We provide you with customizing the list as per your requirements
  • Our all-inclusive market data helps in improving and multi-channel marketing
  • Every year we make more than 1 million verification calls and send out more than 8 million messages for email verification.

With our business email list, you can target the nation’s largest industry. We provide you with the most accurate data list of the business email list and the B2B mailing list. And so, you can trust us with the growth of your business.

Business email list is the right choice for you to make if you are searching for the quality database of decision-makers in the USA. You can easily connect with C level executives, decision-makers, and others of our various fields across the US with our database.

Also, with our email database, you can precisely reach out to your desired market and promote your product and services. You even have the flexibility of customizing it according to job titles, revenues, industry, and other parameters.

How we collect our data?

InfoGlobalData has a team of data scientists, analysts, and experts what to collect data from genuine sources, then verify them through calls and emails and finally updated on the feed. This helps us to maintain accurate data for the marketers.


Outbound Email Campaigns

We identify the right people in the market for your products, reach out to them through truly personalized emails.

Need custom list based on your specifications with No Resale Guarantee?

Talk to our Data Specialist Mike Floyd +1 (206) 629 6016