The Healthcare Mailing List contains million healthcare professionals involved in the healthcare industry, health facilities, pharmacies, medical devices and emergency transportation. Our Healthcare Email Marketing List provides you the most recent and authentic information of key prospects from this industry including doctors, surgeons, lab technicians, nurses, medical practitioners and others. We provide you with quality-sourced healthcare professional data that can make a positive impact on your multichannel marketing efforts. No record is ever added to our database until it is verified at the source! The result is the highest quality, healthcare provider data available, which can be used to append or enhance your current physician list.

Details Segments Price
Total Universe / Base Rate 861,372 $350.00/M
Mailing List 859,847 $150.00/M
Phone List 857,279 $250.00/M
Email Service 854,671 $350.00/M

We help you develop an effective marketing strategy that includes email, direct mail and other solutions that will not only raise your response rates and increase customer engagement, but also help you realize a much greater ROI than you would otherwise attain using a lone medium. With our accurate Healthcare Email Marketing List we can help you to create brand visibility, in a market that presents enormous opportunities and challenges to overcome.

Healthcare Mailing List Based on Job Title
Job Title
Executive Management
Healthcare Technician

Information is ideal for direct mail, telemarketing, email, market research and much more. So if you're interested in growing your business, contact us today.

Customer Success Stories

Need custom list based on your specifications with No Resale Guarantee?

Talk to our Data Specialist Mike Floyd +1-206-629-6016