Employment Agencies Email List

100% Privacy compliant Employment Agencies Email Addresses for successful marketing campaigns.

Do you want to meet influential people who work at employment agencies? Get the Employment Agencies Email List from InfoGlobalData to help you find businesses and professionals who can benefit from your product. Our Employment Agencies List is your most extensive and up-to-date resource for locating new sales prospects in the United States. The List includes information such as the company's website, email address contacts, ZIP codes, SIC/NAICS codes, postal address, phone numbers, and other critical business intelligence to help you reach your target market audience and maximize your marketing investment. We double-check the information on our employmment agencies mailing lists on a regular basis to ensure its accuracy.


Email Contacts

  • 100% Opt-In Employment Agencies Contacts
  • Get Accurate Email, Phone & Social Links
  • 100% Data Ownership Guarantee
  • 100% Phone-verified, NCOA processed Data
  • Privacy Compliant: GDPR & CAN-SPAM

Customize Employment Agencies Mailing Lists Based On Specific Criteria

Employment Agencies Firms Size

Job Titles/Functions


Area of Specialization



Specialization of Recruitment Agencies:

Recruitment Agency List Total Records
IT Recruitment Agencies Email List 6,378
Employee Leasing Agencies List 13,836
Retained Recruitment Firms Email List 3,089
Staffing Agency Recruiters List 5,761
Staffing Executives Database 41,806
Recruitment Process Outsourcing List 4,574
Compensation Executives Email List 28,037
Engineering Recruitment Agency Email List 6,981
Healthcare Recruitment Agencies Email List 5,012
Finance Recruitment Agency List 5,724
Staffing Agency List Total Records
Nurse Recruitment Agency List 5,278
Top Physician Recruiting Firms 9,351
Medical Recruitment Consultants List 7,292
Medical Staffing Agencies List 3,729
Contract Staffing Agencies List 4,582
Logistics & Transportation Staffing Agency 1,237
Retail Recruitment Agency List 1,721
Government Jobs Recruiters List 2,034
Teacher Placement Agency List 3,701
Real Estate Recruitment Agency List 2,618

2500+ Satisfied Customers

Database of Employment Agencies in USA with Verified Contact Information

  • Database of staffing agency firms in USA with verified contacts
  • Customize your human resources mailing list based on: employment agency type, years-in-business, firm size and much more
  • ​Our employment agency firms list comply with GDPR, CCPA and CAN-SPAM Act
  • ​Get contact information of employment agency decision makers like Recruiting Coordinator, HR Manager, Payroll Coordinator, HR Business Partner, HR Analyst, HR Administrator, etc.
hr email list

Why do you need an Employment Agencies Email List?

If your product can help employment agencies match prospects looking for work with companies looking for workers, contact them using this pre-built mailing list of employment agencies. Our email marketing lists give you direct email addresses, names, phone numbers, and postal addresses for people you need to contact to increase your company's sales. This Employment Agency Email List, like all of our business lists, contains only usable, accurate contact information. No other Recruitment Agencies Email List provides this many accurate and up-to-date email address contacts at such a low cost. Consider our list if you want to increase your client base, promote your products or services, and increase your profits.

Contact List of Employment Agencies Companies in United States

Buy CASS- certified, 100% privacy compliant Employment Agencies email list from InfoGlobalData. Try our free sample list.

Can I customize the Employment Agencies Email List?

You can use our pre-built Employment Agencies Email Database to reach a wide range of people working at temp agencies across the country. However, for a more targeted marketing campaign, you might want to consider our customized list. You can specify the job function and title of the professionals in your data when you customize a list. You can also filter the companies you see based on their location, annual revenue, and employee count. A customized email list enables you to zero in on specific types of sales leads, making your marketing efforts more effective. You can tailor your list to include information such as age, gender, location, job title, employee size, company name, revenue size, and more. Allow us to save you time when connecting with professionals at employment agencies.

Build Your Employment Agencies Email Lists, Choose and Filter from Below Data Points

Select and target your list by Job Roles, Job Level, Employees at Location, Year Business Started etc.

  • Full Name
  • Business Email ids
  • Contact Number
  • Job Title
  • SIC, NAICS Code
  • Social Media Handles
  • Geographical Location
  • D-U-N-S Number
  • Industry Sectors
  • Years of Experience
  • Website URL
  • Technographic Data

Why should I buy the Employment Agencies Email List?

With our Employment Agency Email Database, you won't have to waste time doing the legwork: we've already compiled this data set for you. We have everything you need if you're looking for headhunters, job hunters, staffing firms, or recruitment agencies. This mailing list can also be used to contact decision-makers and executives at staffing firms. Simply export the necessary data as a CSV file or Excel spreadsheet and begin reaching out! What's more, the best part? Every week, we double-check all of our data to ensure its accuracy. That is, we are not simply providing an outdated list with potentially inaccurate data. We guarantee that our Employment Agency Email Leads are the most recent available on the market. Don't waste time researching a targeted email list—get it instantly with InfoGlobalData. Take a look at the benefits provided by our Employment Agencies Email List:

  • The email list complies with major data requirements such as GDPR, CAN-SPAM, CCPA, and others.
  • Ensures that communication between marketers and their intended business audiences is simple and efficient.
  • Data is delivered within 24 to 72 hours.
  • Brand Exposure across the U.S and the world.
  • Customization using 35+ advanced data attributes.
  • 90% accuracy rate with an 85-90% email delivery rate.

Buy Employment Agencies Email Lists from InfoGlobalData with 100% Guaranteed Privacy Compliance

Buy our CASS-certified and highly responsive Employment Agencies Database at an affordable price. Try our free Employment Agencies sample list now!

Employment Agencies Email List Purchase Related FAQs

Our data is checked weekly. For this purpose, we have a 7-step verification process. We use this algorithm to compare the accuracy of our data to millions of sources and make any necessary updates.

All of the records we sell are guaranteed to be 90% accurate. If you encounter a lower accuracy rate, please contact our customer service team, and we will provide you with new data at no cost to make up the difference. It’s our list-replacement guarantee.

Our pricing is based on volume. Our list is an excellent choice for the best and most affordable way to obtain the email addresses of numerous employment agencies. By purchasing more contacts, you can get the lowest price per contact.