SIC Code 35 - Industrial Machinery and Equipment

Find and target businesses based on SIC Code 35 and reach professionals working in industrial and commercial machinery and computer equipment for your marketing campaigns. Customize your SIC 2 digit code list based on SIC code industry, employee size, revenue, seniority, business type, location type and many more to personalize marketing communications. The Industrial Machinery and Equipment SIC Code list is a resource for marketers to target a new market by SIC code and SIC industry description. Click on SIC Code 35 Industrial Machinery and Equipment to view counts and sub-industries, or search for a SIC code using the 2 digit SIC Number. We build our list by compiling the data from all globally legitimate sources including Official Government Business Registries, Credit Bureaus, Business Registries, Public Records and third Party Information Services. Accelerate the growth and revenue of your business with a 100% verified email list of Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment. Reach your targeted SIC Code 35 based industries with a 100% human verified email list of SIC codes.

SIC Code 35 - Industrial Machinery and Equipment

SIC Code Industry Title Total Marketable US Businesses
35 Industrial and Commercial Machinery and
Computer Equipment
3511 Steam, Gas, and Hydraulic Turbines, and Turbine
Generator Set Units
3519 Internal Combustion Engines, Not Elsewhere
3523 Farm Machinery andEquipment 3,085
3524 Lawn and Garden Tractors and Home Lawn and
Garden Equipment
3531 Construction Machinery and Equipment 4,095
3532 Mining Machinery and Equipment, Except Oil and Gas
Field Machinery and Equipment
3533 Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment 1,566
3534 Elevators and Moving Stairways 323
3535 Conveyors and Conveying Equipment 1,123
3536 Overhead Traveling Cranes, Hoists, and
Monorail Systems
3537 Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Trailers, and Stackers 5,186
3541 Machine Tools, Metal Cutting Types 2,179
3542 Machine Tools, Metal Forming Types 739
3543 Industrial Patterns 536
3544 Special Dies and Tools, Die Sets, Jigs and
Fixtures, and Industrial Molds
3545 Cutting Tools, Machine Tool Accessories, and Machinists'
Precision Measuring Devices
3546 Power-Driven Handtools 415
3547 Rolling Mill Machinery and Equipment 113
3548 Electric and Gas Welding and Soldering Equipment 504
3549 Metalworking Machinery, Not Elsewhere Classified 701
3552 Textile Machinery 514
3553 Woodworking Machinery 802
3554 Paper Industries Machinery 260
3555 Printing Trades Machinery and Equipment 669
3556 Food Products Machinery 1,406
3559 Special Industry Machinery 2,634
3561 Pumps and Pumping Equipment 1,281
3562 Ball and Roller Bearings 305
3563 Air and Gas Compressors 719
3564 Industrial and Commercial Fans and Blowers 1,131
3565 Packaging Machinery 890
3566 Speed Changers, Industrial High-Speed Drives,
and Gears
3567 Industrial Process Furnaces and Ovens 541
3568 Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment 472
3569 General Industrial Machinery and Equipment 2,118
3571 Electronic Computers 1,929
3572 Computer Storage Devices 999
3575 Computer Terminals 292
3577 Computer Peripheral Equipment 1,999
3578 Calculating and Accounting Machines 620
3579 Office Machines 396
3581 Automatic Vending Machines 441
3582 Commercial Laundry, Drycleaning, and
Pressing Machines
3585 Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment 2,611
3586 Measuring and Dispensing Pumps 69
3589 Service Industry Machinery 3,712
3592 Carburetors, Pistons, Piston Rings, and Valves 338
3593 Fluid Powerylinders and Actuators 182
3594 Fluid Power Pumpsand Motors 282
3596 Scales and Balances,Except Laboratory 207
3599 Industrial andCommercial Machinery and Equipment 23,279

Use SIC Code Lookup service to pinpoint your niche industry prospects by finding a list of companies by sic code or by filtering your required Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List with 2-digits, 4 and 6-digit SIC Codes. Every business in the USA can be break down based on SIC code and standardize companies by different industry SIC code. SIC Code is required for government contracts, and for business registration. Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC Codes) will help to identify the primary line of business of a company. Buy SIC code 35 list now to target Industrial and Commercial Machinery industry.

SIC Code 35 - Companies Database

  • A O Smith Corp
  • Moog Inc
  • Applied Materials Inc
  • Forum Energy Technologies Inc
  • Rexnord Corp
  • Charles Machine Works Inc
  • Fanuc Robotics America Inc
  • Mayville Engineering Company Inc
  • Gleason Corp
  • Adient

This category comprises businesses involved in the production of industrial and commercial machinery, equipment, and computers. It encompasses the manufacturing of engines, turbines, farm and garden machinery, construction, mining, and oil field machinery, as well as elevators, conveying equipment, hoists, cranes, monorails, industrial trucks, tractors, metalworking machinery, special industry machinery, general industrial machinery, computer and peripheral equipment, office machinery, and refrigeration and service industry machinery.

Few of the SIC Code 35 industries and contacts are mentioned below

  • Industrial, Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment
  • Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment
  • Miscellaneous Industrial and Commercial Industry
  • Metalworking Machinery and Equipment
  • Farm and Garden Machinery
  • Engines and Turbines
  • Food Products Machinery Industry
  • Automatic Vending Machine manufacturers
  • Heavy Construction Machinery and Equipment
  • Machinery Manufacturing

Industrial Machinery and Equipment Industries Database Based On Specific Criteria

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