SIC Code 14 - Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals Except Fuels

Find and target businesses based on SIC Code 14 and reach professionals working in SIC code 14 Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals Except Fuels for your marketing campaigns. Customize your SIC 2 Digit Code List based on SIC Code Industry, Employee size, Revenue, Seniority, Business Type, Location Type and many more to personalize marketing communications. The SIC Code 14 List is a resource for marketers to target a new market by SIC Code and SIC Industry Description. Click on SIC Code Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals Except Fuels to view counts and sub-industries, or search for a SIC code using the 2 digit SIC Number. We build our SIC Code 14 list by compiling the data from all globally legitimate sources including Official Government Business Registries, Credit Bureaus, Business Registries, Public Records and third Party Information Services. Accelerate the growth and revenue of your business with a 100% verified email list of SIC code Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals Except Fuels. Reach your targeted SIC Code 14 based industries with a 100% human verified email list of SIC codes.

SIC Code 14 - Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals Except Fuels

SIC Code Industry Title Total Marketable US Businesses
SIC Code 14 Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic
Minerals, Except Fuels
SIC Code 1411 Dimension Stone 448
SIC Code 1422 Crushed and Broken Limestone 1,058
SIC Code 1423 Crushed and Broken Granite 141
SIC Code 1429 Crushed and Broken Stone, Not Elsewhere Classified 266
SIC Code 1442 Construction Sand and Gravel 2,411
SIC Code 1446 Industrial Sand 209
SIC Code 1455 Kaolin and Ball Clay 40
SIC Code 1459 Clay, Ceramic, and Refractory Minerals,
Not Elsewhere Classified
SIC Code 1474 Potash, Soda, and Borate Minerals 35
SIC Code 1475 Phosphate Rock 16
SIC Code 1479 Chemical and Fertilizer Mineral Mining,
Not Elsewhere Classified
SIC Code 1481 Nonmetallic Minerals Services, Except Fuels 256
SIC Code 1499 Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels 395

Use SIC Code Lookup service to pinpoint your niche industry prospects by finding a list of companies by sic code or by filtering your required Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List with 2-digits, 4 and 6-digit SIC Codes. Every business in the USA can be break down based on SIC code and standardize companies by different industry SIC code. SIC Code is required for government contracts, and for business registration. Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC Codes) will help to identify the primary line of business of a company. Buy SIC code 14 list now to target Mining and Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals industry.

SIC Code 14 - Companies Database

  • Dolese Bros Co Veba Trust
  • Luck Stone Corp
  • U.S. Silica Holdings Inc
  • Vulcan Materials
  • Schildberg Construction Company Inc
  • Martin Marietta Materials Inc
  • Rio Tinto Minerals
  • A Lindberg And Sons Inc
  • Vetter Stone Co
  • Ziegler Chemical and Mineral Corp

This major group includes establishments primarily engaged in mining or quarrying, developing mines, or exploring for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels. Also included are certain well and brine operations, and primary preparation plants, such as those engaged in crushing, grinding, washing, or other concentration.

Few of the SIC Code 14 industries and contacts are mentioned below

  • SIC Code 14 - Mining and Quarrying Industry List
  • SIC Code Crushed Stone Production
  • SIC Code Sand Manufacturers and Suppliers
  • SIC Code Dimension Stone Mailing List
  • SIC Code Crushed and Broken Limestone Companies
  • SIC Code Sand & Alternatives
  • SIC Code Ball Clay Suppliers
  • SIC Code Sand and Gravel Mining
  • SIC Code Industrial Sand Products
  • SIC Code Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Minerals

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