NAICS Code 5259 - Investment Pools and Funds
We can provide verified email lists from NAICS Code 5259 Investment Pools and Funds related industries. These contacts and companies are built using our data scientists for helping marketers to reach NAICS Code 5259 Companies across the global region to identify and reach potential customers and qualified NAICS based sales leads across major industries. By finding the Investment Pools and Funds of your targeted industries prospects, will help to reach and market to more customers within that NAICS industry. We can build any kind of NAICS Code based custom list from your specified NAICS Codes. Find all the NAICS codes below and build your NAICS Code list now.
NAICS Code 5259 Investment Pools and Funds
NAICS Code | Description | Count |
NAICS Code 5259 | Investment Pools and Funds | 26,139 |
NAICS Code 525910 | Open-End Investment Funds | 12,169 |
NAICS Code 525920 | Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts | 8,130 |
NAICS Code 525990 | Financial Vehicles | 5,840 |
NAICS Code 5259 - Companies Database
- Alliance California Municipal Income Fund Inc
- Affiliated Managers Group Inc
- Royce Pennsylvania Mutual Invmt
- Sycamore Partners MGT LP
- Clark Enterprises Inc
- Blackrock Inc
- Janus Henderson Balanced
- US Global Investors Near Term Tax Free
- Alaska Permanent Fund Corp
- Icahn Enterprises LP
- PSA Financial Inc
- T. Rowe Price New Era
- Computershare, Ltd
- Annaly Capital Management Inc
- Vista Equity Partners MGT LLC
- Accelerate Holdings Corp
- Schaumbond Group Inc
- American Funds US Government
- Griffin Holdings, LLC
- American Funds SMALLCAP World
This industry group comprises legal entities (i.e., investment pools and/or funds) organized to pool securities or other assets (except insurance and employee-benefit funds) on behalf of shareholders, unitholders, or beneficiaries.
Few of the NAICS Code 5259 industries and contacts are mentioned below
- NAICS Code Investment Pools
- NAICS Code Investment Funds
- NAICS 5259 Email List
- NAICS Code Industries Mailing Database
- Private Investment Companies List
- Private Equity Fund NAICS Code
- Open-End Investment Funds Industry List
- Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts Industry Executives Email List
- Financial Vehicles NAICS Code
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