SIC Code 1389 - Oil and Gas Field Services, Not Elsewhere Classified

Find and target businesses based on SIC Code 1389 and reach professionals working in SIC code 1389 Oil and Gas Field Services, Not Elsewhere Classified for your marketing campaigns. Customize your SIC 2 Digit Code List based on SIC Code Industry, Employee size, Revenue, Seniority, Business Type, Location Type and many more to personalize marketing communications. The SIC Code 1389 List is a resource for marketers to target a new market by SIC Code and SIC Industry Description. Click on SIC Code Oil and Gas Field Services, Not Elsewhere Classified to view counts and sub-industries, or search for a SIC code using the 2 digit SIC Number. We build our SIC Code 1389 list by compiling the data from all globally legitimate sources including Official Government Business Registries, Credit Bureaus, Business Registries, Public Records and third Party Information Services. Accelerate the growth and revenue of your business with a 100% verified email list of SIC code Oil and Gas Field Services, Not Elsewhere Classified. Reach your targeted SIC Code 1389 based industries with a 100% human verified email list of SIC codes.

SIC Code 1389 - Industries Database

SIC Code Industry Title Total Marketable US Businesses
SIC Code 1389 Oil and Gas Field Services, Nec 14,237
SIC Code 138900 Oil and gas field services, nec 986
SIC Code 13890000 Oil and gas field services, nec 986
SIC Code 138901 Construction, repair, and dismantling services 3,755
SIC Code 13890100 Construction, repair, and dismantling services 3,270
SIC Code 13890101 Building oil and gas well foundations on site 50
SIC Code 13890102 Derrick building, repairing, and dismantling 9
SIC Code 13890103 Excavating slush pits and cellars 72
SIC Code 13890104 Grading oil and gas well foundations 25
SIC Code 13890105 Lease tanks, oil field: erecting, cleaning,
and repairing
SIC Code 13890106 Oil and gas wells: building, repairing and
SIC Code 13890107 Well plugging and abandoning, oil and gas 46
SIC Code 138902 Testing, measuring, surveying, and analysis services 531
SIC Code 13890200 Testing, measuring, surveying, and analysis services 259
SIC Code 13890201 Detection and analysis service, gas 37
SIC Code 13890202 Measurement of well flow rates, oil and gas 65
SIC Code 13890203 Oil sampling service for oil companies 26
SIC Code 13890204 Pipe testing, oil field service 135
SIC Code 13890205 Surveying wells 9
SIC Code 138903 Bailing, cleaning, swabbing, and treating of wells 145
SIC Code 13890300 Bailing, cleaning, swabbing, and treating of wells 47
SIC Code 13890301 Acidizing wells 39
SIC Code 13890302 Bailing wells 2
SIC Code 13890303 Chemically treating wells 24
SIC Code 13890304 Cleaning wells 19
SIC Code 13890305 Swabbing wells 14
SIC Code 138999 Oil and gas field services, nec, nec 8,820
SIC Code 13899901 Cementing oil and gas well casings 154
SIC Code 13899902 Fire fighting, oil and gas field 18
SIC Code 13899903 Fishing for tools, oil and gas field 56
SIC Code 13899904 Gas compressing (natural gas) at the fields 118
SIC Code 13899905 Gas field services, nec 311
SIC Code 13899906 Haulage, oil field 140
SIC Code 13899907 Hot shot service 300
SIC Code 13899908 Hydraulic fracturing wells 33
SIC Code 13899909 Impounding and storing salt water, oil and
gas field
SIC Code 13899910 Mud service, oil field drilling 57
SIC Code 13899911 Oil consultants 565
SIC Code 13899912 Oil field services, nec 5,860
SIC Code 13899913 Perforating well casings 35
SIC Code 13899914 Processing service, gas 41
SIC Code 13899915 Pumping of oil and gas wells 187
SIC Code 13899916 Removal of condensate gasoline from field
(gathering) lines
SIC Code 13899917 Roustabout service 342
SIC Code 13899918 Running, cutting, and pulling casings,
tubes and rods
SIC Code 13899919 Servicing oil and gas wells 432
SIC Code 13899920 Well logging 62

Use SIC Code Lookup service to pinpoint your niche industry prospects by finding a list of companies by sic code or by filtering your required Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List with 2-digits, 4 and 6-digit SIC Codes. Every business in the USA can be break down based on SIC code and standardize companies by different industry SIC code. SIC Code is required for government contracts, and for business registration. Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC Codes) will help to identify the primary line of business of a company. Buy SIC code 1389 list now to target Oil and Gas Field Services industry.

SIC Code 1389 - Companies Database

  • FTS International Inc
  • Quintana Energy Services Inc
  • Unit Corp
  • Schlumberger Limited
  • Halliburton Co
  • CenterPoint Energy Inc
  • Marathon Oil Corp
  • Helmerich And Payne Inc
  • KLX Energy Services Holdings Inc
  • Oil States International Inc
  • Transocean Inc
  • Scientific Drilling

Establishments primarily engaged in performing oil and gas field services, not elsewhere classified, for others on a contract or fee basis. Services included are excavating slush pits and cellars; gradings and building of foundations at well locations; well surveying; running, cutting, and pulling casings tubes, and rods; cementing wells; shooting wells; perforating well casings; acidizing and chemically treating wells; and cleaning out, bailing, and swabbing wells.

Few of the SIC Code 1389 industries and contacts are mentioned below

  • SIC Code 1389 - Oil and Gas Field Services
  • Detection and Analysis Service
  • ConsTruction, Repair, and Dismantling Services List
  • Building Oil and Gas Well Foundations Industry
  • SIC Code Shot-Hole Drilling Service
  • SIC Code Grading Oil and Gas Well Foundations
  • Testing, Measuring, Surveying, and Analysis Services
  • SIC Code Oil Sampling Service
  • Surveying Wells Industry Database
  • Pipe Testing Executives List
  • SIC Code Cementing Oil and Gas Well Casings
  • Well Logging Email Addresses
  • Servicing Oil and Gas Wells Industry
  • SIC Code Pumping of oil and Gas Wells
  • SIC Code Mud Service Industry
  • Gas Field Services Industry
  • Swabbing Wells Mailing Addresses
  • Chemically Treating Wells Industry Contact Database
  • Acidizing Wells Email Addresses
  • Plugging and Abandoning Wells

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