SIC Code 8641 - Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations

Find and target businesses based on SIC Code 8641 and reach professionals working in SIC code 8641 Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations for your marketing campaigns. Customize your SIC 2 Digit Code List based on SIC Code Industry, Employee size, Revenue, Seniority, Business Type, Location Type and many more to personalize marketing communications. The SIC Code 8641 List is a resource for marketers to target a new market by SIC Code and SIC Industry Description. Click on SIC Code Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations to view counts and sub-industries, or search for a SIC code using the 2 digit SIC Number. We build our SIC Code 8641 list by compiling the data from all globally legitimate sources including Official Government Business Registries, Credit Bureaus, Business Registries, Public Records and third Party Information Services. Accelerate the growth and revenue of your business with a 100% verified email list of SIC code Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations Reach your targeted SIC Code 8641 based industries with a 100% human verified email list of SIC codes.

SIC Code 8641 - Industries Database

SIC Code 8641 Civic and Social Associations 164,310
SIC Code 864100 Civic and social associations 60,972
SIC Code 86410000 Civic and social associations 60,972
SIC Code 864101 Civic associations 12,256
SIC Code 86410100 Civic associations 10,473
SIC Code 86410101 Citizens union 258
SIC Code 86410102 Community membership club 1,483
SIC Code 86410103 Taxpayer association 42
SIC Code 864102 Fraternal associations 13,172
SIC Code 86410200 Fraternal associations 8,619
SIC Code 86410201 Alumni association 1,336
SIC Code 86410202 University club 3,217
SIC Code 864103 Youth organizations 13,035
SIC Code 86410300 Youth organizations 11,564
SIC Code 86410301 Boy Scout organization 816
SIC Code 86410302 Girl Scout organization 655
SIC Code 864104 Social associations 4,509
SIC Code 86410400 Social associations 1,489
SIC Code 86410401 Bars and restaurants, members only 631
SIC Code 86410402 Business persons club 260
SIC Code 86410403 Social club, membership 2,129
SIC Code 864105 Dwelling-related associations 32,764
SIC Code 86410500 Dwelling-related associations 3,955
SIC Code 86410501 Condominium association 12,490
SIC Code 86410502 Homeowners' association 15,265
SIC Code 86410503 Neighborhood association 776
SIC Code 86410504 Tenant association 278
SIC Code 864199 Civic and social associations, nec 27,602
SIC Code 86419901 Booster club 2,402
SIC Code 86419902 Educator's association 619
SIC Code 86419903 Environmental protection organization 4,175
SIC Code 86419904 Parent-teachers' association 5,405
SIC Code 86419905 Recreation association 909
SIC Code 86419906 Singing society 162
SIC Code 86419907 Veterans' organization 13,930

Use SIC Code Lookup service to pinpoint your niche industry prospects by finding a list of companies by sic code or by filtering your required Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List with 2-digits, 4 and 6-digit SIC Codes. Every business in the USA can be break down based on SIC code and standardize companies by different industry SIC code. SIC Code is required for government contracts, and for business registration. Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC Codes) will help to identify the primary line of business of a company. Buy SIC code 8641 list now to target Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations industry.

Organizations with membership that take part in civic, social, or fraternal activities. Industry Group 799 is designated for membership sports and leisure clubs, while Insurance, Major Group 63 is designated for fraternal organisations' insurance offices. Real Estate, Industry 6531, is where homeowner, renter, and condominium associations that manage real estate are categorised.

Few of the SIC Code 8641 industries and contacts are mentioned below

  • SIC Code 8641 - Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations
  • Alumni Associations and Clubs
  • SIC Code Recreation Associations
  • Civic and Social Business Persons Clubs
  • Homeowner Associations
  • Parent-Teacher Associations
  • SIC Code Singing Societies
  • Membership Social Clubs
  • Taxpayers Associations
  • SIC Code Citizens Unions
  • Tenant Associations
  • SIC Code University Clubs
  • Neighborhood Association
  • Civic And Social Associations
  • Veterans Organizations
  • Peace Organizations
  • Environmental Protection Organization
  • SIC Code Fraternal Lodges
  • Civic Associations
  • Community Membership Clubs
  • SIC Code Youth Associations
  • Condominium Associations
  • SIC Code Ethnic Societies
  • Natives Service Organizations
  • Fraternal Associations
  • Fraternities and Sororities
  • Community Organizations

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